Običajna cena
Razprodajna cena
Običajna cena
Cena na enoto
Translation missing: sl.general.accessibility.unit_price_separator 

Adults = 129,60 € / 144,90 €

Children = 122,40 € / 136,85 € (of age up to, incl. 15 years)

Please add child and adult tickets to the cart separately (your ticket is reserved in the cart during the booking process).

Davek vključen.

Podajte se na razburljivo pustolovščino s paketom "Trojna avantura"! Ta tridnevna pustolovščina je namenjena posameznikom, skupinam prijateljev in družinam, ki iščejo dinamične in aktivne počitnice v Tolminu in dolini Soče. Naš zelo prilagodljiv paket zagotavlja, da bo vsak udeleženec lahko polno užival v aktivnostih. Sporočite nam le želene datume, mi pa bomo organizirali vse drugo.

Prva aktivnost, soteskanje, vas popelje skozi osupljive soteske, kjer boste skakali, drseli in se spuščali po slapovih - to je kot naravni akvapark. To vznemirljivo doživetje je kot nalašč za tiste, ki radi raziskujejo skrite bisere narave. Naslednja aktivnost je spust s kajakom, kjer boste doživeli lepoto turkizne reke Soče in uživali v čudoviti pokrajini, ko se boste spuščali po brzicah. Ne glede na to, ali ste začetnik ali izkušen veslač, vam bodo naši strokovni vodniki zagotovili nepozabno in varno izkušnjo. Pustolovščina se nadaljuje z gorskim kolesarjenjem po slikovitih poteh, raziskovali boste raznolike pokrajine, doline in uživali v lepotah Tolmina na dveh kolesih.

Vsaka dejavnost je načrtovana za polovico dneva, tako da imate v preostanku dneva dovolj časa za sprostitev ali raziskovanje v lastnem tempu. Sprostite se na peščenih plažah reke Soče, uživajte v okusnih lokalnih jedeh in uživajte v mirnem okolju. Naš prilagodljiv urnik vam omogoča, da kar najbolje izkoristite svoj čas, ne glede na to, ali želite počivati ali pa si privoščiti še več raziskovanja.

Pridružite se nam na Trojni avanturi - popolni mešanici vznemirjenja, sprostitve in naravnih lepot za nepozabno počitniško doživetje!


Equipment is of paramount importance for outdoor sports activities, such as those included in the HIGH FIVE package. It provides comfort and safety to the user, which is why at Azimut Center, we only use the best equipment available on the market.

For all the water activities in this package, you only need to bring your swimwear, towel, dry clothes, and sunscreen. For climbing, you will need hiking shoes, sportswear, and sunscreen. We'll take care of everything else.

For kayaking and rafting, you will receive six pieces of equipment: a helmet, a 3 mm neoprene long-john wetsuit, a PFD (Personal Flotation Device), an anorak, neoprene shoes, and a paddle. For canyoning, you will receive five pieces of equipment: a helmet, a 7 mm neoprene wetsuit, a canyoning harness, neoprene socks, and specialized canyoning shoes. For climbing, you will receive four pieces of equipment: a helmet, climbing shoes, a climbing harness, and a chalk bag.

If you have your own equipment for any of the activities included in this package, you can bring it to the meeting point (our office) before the scheduled start of the activity. The guide will assess whether your equipment is suitable and safe for use in the activity.


All of the activities in the HIGH FIVE package are wonderful sports as long as they are safe. This is why safety is always our top priority, with fun right behind it. To truly enjoy the beauty of each activity, you need a guide who ensures your safety first and foremost while also making sure you have fun every step of the way.

All of Azimut Center’s kayaking and rafting guides are professionally trained and licensed as Wildwater Rescuers. Our canyoning guides hold these same qualifications and, in addition, possess the Canyoning Guide license issued by the Canyoning Association of Slovenia. Azimut Center is also an official Canyoning Association of Slovenia Guide Center.


1. Arrive at our office in Tolmin, where you will meet your guide, sign a waiver form, and collect your equipment.

2. We will take you to the starting point of your activity.

3. Towels, dry clothes, and other personal items (except passports and larger amounts of money, which can be left in the office) will stay in the van.

4. At the end of the activity, you will change into dry clothes (except for climbing, when you do not need to change clothes), and we will drive you back to our office.

- Start and finish point: Village of Srpenica


- Start and finish point: Village of Log pod Mangartom


- Starting Point: Village of Volarje
- End Point: Tolmin

- Starting and finish point: Village Čiginj


Starting point: Village of Volarje

End point: Tolmin

**Mini Rafting:**
- Starting Point: Village of Volarje
- End Point: Parking spot in Tolmin
- Return: Change into dry clothes at the end point, then return to our office.


This structure reduces repetition by summarizing the common steps in the General Instructions and specifying only the unique details for each activity.